When I drove out to LA in late 2001, I listened to Shawn's album 'Soul's Core' for most of the 30 hours that the drive took. It was the perfect soundtrack for the epic journey I was embarking on. Moving away from my family, pursuing my dream and, ultimately, expanding what I knew the world to be.
Before my move, while I was working at 105.7 The Point, I was lucky enough to meet Shawn before one of his shows. We only chatted for a brief moment, but in that moment, I told him that his song "Everything is going to be alright, Rockabye" was the song that my girlfriend and I considered to be "our song." So, he told me to call her on the phone while he played that song in the background for us! We then took a quick picture together and he played to a crowd of 500 or so people.
Fast forward almost 20 years later. I am working with director Jocelyn Stamat and writer Terry Rossio on a new film called "Dashboard Jesus and Hula Girl." Terry had written a song called "Just One Soul" and Shawn came rushing to my mind because I could practically hear him singing it as I was reading the lyrics. I emailed Shawn's manager, but did not get a response. A couple weeks later I saw that Shawn was about to play a show at McCabe's Guitar shop in Santa Monica... so I emailed again. This time I did get a response. Shawn sent me a direct message back and told me that he had a ticket waiting for me at the show.
It was an amazing set and we talked after the show for about an hour and a half. He loved the song, loved the idea of the film... and signed on to help with our music. We took a new photo.
I can not wait to share "Dashboard Jesus and Hula Girl" with the world!